There are four works titled ‘Utsuro Bune’, and they were exhibited at the group show [put’em in a box] at Waley Art in Taipei, 2024. The details of each work can be seen from the following links.
–[ Utsuro-Bune at Moisie [Tide land] ] 2023, summer
– [ Utsuro-Bune Ubiquity ] 2024, spring
– [Utsuro-Bune Coriolis] 2023, Autumn
– [Utsuro-Bune Tidal Notation ] 2024, Summer
“Utsuro Bune” is a score realisation project that I have been continuing since my stay in Moisie, Quebec in the summer of 2023, with the help of people I have met. In the summer of 2023, I folded some small boats out of baking paper from the kitchen of the residence place, and gave them with instructions to each of the people staying with me, asking them to make videos.
At the spring of 2024, I also sent the instructions to another group of people and asked them to fold their own boats, which they filmed in different places for the exhibition at Waley Art.
There were also pieces where the boats did not appear in the score but they appeared at the time of the exhibition (‘Utsuro Bune – Coriolis’, ‘Utsuro Bune – Tidal Notation’), all of which were shown in the group exhibition ‘Put’em in a Box’ in 2024. This works were exhibited at Waley Art [Put’em in a box]
“Utsuro- Bune” is a title taken from Japanese folklore, which was popular between the 17th and 19th centuries. During this period, an unknown exotic boat would wash ashore. Today, these stories are rumoured to be a UFO legend or a submersible. wikipedia [UtsuroBune].
[ Utsuro-Bune at Moisie [Tide land] ] 2023, summer [Detail]
Score, video edit : suzueri/Elico Suzuki
Score realizing : suzueri/Elico Suzuki, Eric Mattson , François Quévillon, John Grzinich, Nicole Gingras, Sarah Maloney
Composed at ‘La timidité des cîmes / Crown Shyness‘ at Moisie, Sept-îles, Canada
Exhibited at [Put’em in a Box] at Waley Art, 2024
Thanks: Johanne Roussy, Atelier 8e Île,
[ Utsuro-Bune Ubiquity ] 2024, spring [Detail]
Score: suzueri (Elico Suzuki)
Score realization: Chi Po Hao, Chloe Lin, Samuel Beilby, Sarah Song, suzueri (Elico Suzuki), Ya Tien Shih
Exhibited at [Put’em in a Box] at Waley Art, 2024
[Utsuro-Bune Coriolis] 2023, Autumn
Score, video edit, device: suzueri (Elico Suzuki)
Score realization: Chi Po Hao, Chloe Lin, Samuel Beilby, Sarah Song, suzueri (Elico Suzuki), Ya Tien Shih
Exhibited at [Put’em in a Box] at Waley Art, 2024

[Utsuro-Bune Tidal Notation ] 2024, Summer
Score: Tide tables of Tokyo Bay and Tansui, Taipei
Audio edit and devices: suzueri(Elico Suzuki)
Exhibited at [Put’em in a Box] at Waley Art, 2024

photo by Pan I-A
さらに2024年春には、また別のひとたちに、ボートの折り方を送って自分でボートを折ってもらい、さまざまな場所で撮影してもらいました。また、スコアにはボートが登場しないけれど、展示のときに登場した作品もあります(「うつろ舟- コリオリ」、「うつろ舟-潮の記譜法」)これらはすべて、2024年のグループ展 [Put’em in a box]で展示しました。
「うつろ舟」は、17世紀から19世紀にかけて、たびたび記録されてきた日本の伝承からとったタイトルです。見慣れぬ異国の舟が流れ着き、いまではUFO伝承とも、潜水艇だったとも噂されています。wikipedia [虚舟]